Tuesday, September 12, 2017

In Which, I Rant.

Good Morning Dear Reader. Today I’m frustrated. I am just flat out irritated. I’ve been working on a project at work for almost a month and it is going no where. It’s making me so mad. I’m someone who takes a lot of pride in my work and I strive to give the best customer service possible. So as you can imagine, I’m taking this pretty personal.

Which I’m finding is a trend in my life. I take everything personal.

Because I was frustrated, I stopped at my favorite coffee shop in town on my way to work to type this. I love that place. They staff is great, the drinks are always the perfect temperature, and they’re a business ministry that helps women who are ex-convicts rehabilitate, assimilate, and find gainful employment. But this morning when they barista was like “OH! Congratulations! When are you due? “ I immediately thought “WHY? DO I LOOK LIKE A COW OR SOMETHING?”…

Really Alex? This chick is someone you see occasionally through the drive through window, of course she didn’t know you were pregnant. AND, she gave you a free drink because clearly you’re sleep deprived, which she could tell that from the huge bags under your eyes. Don’t be such a psycho hose beast.

I should just punch myself in the face for that one.

I really need to learn that not everything is an attack. I also need to learn how to keep my emotions in check when I haven’t slept and am so pregnant that I make an elephant’s gestational period look short.

I think it’s going to be one of those days Dear Reader.

I better go get another tea. I’m going to need it.

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